Get information about a user.
- Your API application key. See here for more details.
- The NSID of the user to fetch information about.
<person nsid="12037949754@N01" isadmin="0" ispro="0" iconserver="122" iconfarm="1"> <username>bees</username> <realname>Cal Henderson</realname> <mbox_sha1sum>eea6cd28e3d0003ab51b0058a684d94980b727ac</mbox_sha1sum> <location>Vancouver, Canada</location> <photosurl></photosurl> <profileurl></profileurl> <photos> <firstdate>1071510391</firstdate> <firstdatetaken>1900-09-02 09:11:24</firstdatetaken> <count>449</count> </photos> </person>
The firstdate
element contains the unix timestamp of the first photo uploaded by the user. The firstdatetaken
element contains the mysql datetime of the first photo taken by the user.
The iconserver
element is used to build the url to the users' buddyicon - for more information please read the buddyicon guide.
If the API call is authenticated contact information will also be returned as attributes on the person element. contact
, friend
, and family
are boolean flags describing the relationship between the authenticated user, and the person currently being inspected. revcontact
, revfriend
, and revfamily
is the reciprocal relationship.
- The user id passed did not match a Flickr user.
- The API key passed was not valid or has expired.
- The requested service is temporarily unavailable.
- The requested response format was not found.
- The requested method was not found.
- The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed.
- The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed.
1: User not found
100: Invalid API Key
105: Service currently unavailable
111: Format "xxx" not found
112: Method "xxx" not found
114: Invalid SOAP envelope
115: Invalid XML-RPC Method Call
API 發掘
API 發掘: flickr.people.getInfo